Stephanie spent her childhood on the oldest and wettest island of the Hawaiian islands, Kauai. As a child, Stephanie began dancing Hula at Hanalei School. Later in California, Stephanie met her Kumu Hula, Lorraine Kalei Kinnamon. Stephanie danced professionally with Kumu Kalei in her Halau, “Te Hau Nui Dance Company” for over ten years. Stephanie founded Aloha Arts as a dance and cultural heritage company while living in Vienna, Austria.

Today, Stephanie dances several styles of dance professionally and shares her love for the Polynesian islands as director of Aloha Arts Polynesian Dance Company. Stephanie teaches courses and workshops open to the public as well.

Check out Stephanie‘s teaching schedule under Aloha Arts Polynesian Dance “Courses“ & “Workshops“.

Dafne has been dancing Hula and Tahitian Dance since her childhood in Mexico. Dafne also teaches Hula and Tahitian Dance in Austria and contributes to Aloha Arts with dynamic choreographies and her love for the Polynesian Culture. Dafne is also a professional Samba dancer and performs on a regular basis in a variety of styles of dances. We are really happy to have Dafne on the team!

Check out her courses under Aloha Arts Polynesian Dance “Courses“ & “Workshops“.

Judith grew up in Mexico where she studied dance and theater professionally. When she is not performing as a dancer, Judith can be seen in film and theater as a professional actress.

Judith’s natural “Aloha Spirit”, graceful movements, and excellent abilities as a dancer make her lovely to watch!

Rachel brings her Cuban spirit and elegant movements to Aloha Arts...Rachel’s background is in Salsa dancing in Cuban Style...but her talent for dance and rhythm has made her a beautiful Hula and Tahitian dancer. We are proud to have her in the company!